Online boxing fans in micro-blogging site Twitter, clamors for "Mayweather vs Pacman" just after Floyd Mayweather defeated Miguel Cotto via Unanimous Decision on May 6- Manila Time.
Nick Kueger:
bring on mayweather vs. pacman. That would be the fight of century so far. To think of the ratings that fight would get, unimaginable.Dean:
Mayweather Vs Pacman is WAY overhyped it wouldn't even be entertaining cause it wouldn't live up to the expectations.#JUSTSAYING.Maria:
Mayweather vs pacman won't happen cause money is a cheater always buys the judges we already know he will win he buys his wins.Rafel Delaghetto:
Mayweather Vs Pacman <--- I got a better chance of catching HIV before this fight ever happens!Claire Guerra ★ @ClaiiireGuerra
"@khalils_twitwit: Bring on Mayweather vs. Pacman! Then Lito Camo can fight Justin Bieber" =)))))
Moe the McCurdian :P @imoeman83
Mayweather Vs Pacman lol I wish, Pacquiao would beat the chiz out of him :)
Fatima Bulut ☁ @NINJABSTER
I feel like I've been waiting for a Mayweather vs Pacman match for ... FOREVER #notgonnahappen
Faith Chen @FaithChen2
Mayweather vs Pacman Could children have as much fun in infancy as mens do in adultery?
NoMistakesNoRegrets @Filipinogirl13
Mayweather Vs Pacman I wanna see this, both my favorites but gotta represent the Pinoy Pride, Pacman is who'll i'll support :)
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